Transforming the Arbor Creek Club House: A Journey from Concept to Reality

Welcome to our blog post, where we delve into the exciting journey of transforming the Arbor Creek Club House into a captivating and inviting space. In this article, we will walk you through the various stages of this project, from gathering essential information to delivering the final high-resolution images that bring the design to life.

Gathering Essential Information:

At the onset of the project, we collaborated closely with the client to gather essential information. The client provided a CAD file featuring the floor plan, furniture layout, and camera angles, serving as the foundation for our design journey. Additionally, they furnished us with a detailed finishes and FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment) list, which guided our selection process and ensured a cohesive design concept. To capture the client’s vision, we thoroughly examined their concept sketches and reviewed previous views, identifying areas for improvement and updates.

Creating the 3D Model:

Using the CAD file as a reference, our team embarked on the creation of a highly detailed 3D model of Arbor Creek Club House. Throughout this phase, we closely collaborated with the client, incorporating their feedback to refine the model further. Special attention was given to customizing the model to reflect the client’s preferred furniture choices, ensuring a cohesive and personalized design.

Modeling draft
Modeling draft

Applying Materials and Texture:

To achieve an exceptional level of realism and authenticity, we collaborated closely with the client, requesting their original material references and textures. By leveraging these references, we meticulously applied appropriate materials, textures, and finishes to the 3D model. This attention to detail allowed us to accurately portray luxurious surfaces such as marble or warm wooden elements, adding depth and character to the visual representation.

Draft with texture and materials
Draft with texture and materials

Adding Lighting and Post-Work:

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating an immersive atmosphere. With careful consideration, we strategically placed lighting sources within the 3D model to highlight key areas and evoke the desired ambiance. Following the lighting optimization, we performed post-work, fine-tuning the colors, contrast, and composition to enhance the overall visual impact. This process ensured that the final images reflected the intended design in its best light.

Rendering draft
Rendering draft

Delivering High Resolution Images.

We deliver final images on 4K pixel @72DPI without VizPaw’s watermark. Please enjoy them.

High Resolution Image
High Resolution Image


The transformation of the Arbor Creek Club House has been an exciting journey, driven by our commitment to delivering exceptional visual experiences. By adhering to the project’s specifications, from gathering essential information and creating a 3D model to applying materials and textures, adding lighting, and performing post-work, we have brought the client’s vision to life. The final high-resolution images serve as a testament to our dedication and expertise in creating captivating and immersive designs. We take immense pride in our ability to exceed expectations and turn concepts into stunning realities. Write us an email ([email protected]) now for your coming projects.